Buy your Dream Home

Fountain Valley Escrow, Inc. is an independent settlement service for real estate and business transactions in California. Fountain Valley Escrow, Inc. is licensed and bonded to operates in the State of California. We are a full-service escrow company for traditional residential real estate sale and refinance transactions. 

We offer a complete spectrum of service for your real estate needs

Fountain Valley Escrow, Inc. is a full-service escrow company for traditional residential real estate sale and refinance transactions. We We Provide.

  • Residential Real Estate
  • Commercial Real Estate Multi-Family Real Estate Transactions
  • Land Contracts
  • Trust Deeds
  • Refinancing
  • Notary and Signing
  • 1031 Exchanges 

We offer a complete spectrum of service for your real estate needs

Residential Real Estate

Fountain Valley Escrow is here to help families buy their dreams homes.  We founded our reputation on and continue our legacy of professionalism by offering the best-in-class services for all single family and residential escrow services. 

Commercial Real Estate Multi-Family Real Estate Transactions

Orange County has grown tremendously since 1944. With the influx of new residents in California and as people increasingly move inward to major cities, your newest apartment construction or refinance will be more important than ever. Fountain Valley Escrow affords developers and principals a streamlined apartment escrow process from our highly trained agents. 

Land Contracts

A land contract is a seller-financed real estate purchase where the buyer makes installment payments to a seller. Other common names for this type of arrangement include contract for deed, contract for sale, land sale contract or installment sales contract. Fountain Valley  escrow will handle the monthly payments made to the seller. 

Trust Deeds

The promissory note is the promise to repay the loan funds to the lender. The signing of the deed of trust secures the house and land to the note and allows a lender to foreclose on a property if there is default. The deed of trust is the final document of your home purchase. It is one your life-changing document. Fountain Valley Escrow will be there to walk you through the process 


Interest rates have seen much variation over the past several months. The opportunity to refinance may be exactly what your family or business needs to best steward and repurpose your resources.  We can provide our expertise to help you through the process of securing a Loan Escrow or a Refinance Transaction. 

Notary and Signing

An average of 60-200 plus documents within a loan package requires action, either with descriptions, signatures, required information, etc. Our trained Notary Loan Signing Agent is well-versed in all aspects of a loan signing session and is a crucial part of loan funding  

1031 Exchanges

1031 exchanges are great financial sense to exchange your earnings from one property into the purchase of another property. At Fountain Valley Escrow we understand how your smart purchase is a step toward your future legacy.

Sell your home

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Buy a home

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Buy a home

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Discover the latest properties in Kyiv available for rent or sale

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy

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Reinterprets the classic bookshelf

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